Multiple comets will visit us this month and one of the densest meteor showers of the year will peak on January 4.
Comet Borrelly in perihelion, Mercury in dichotomy, higher altitude in the sky and greatest elongation west and multiple conjunctions and close approaches with the Moon.
In the month of the equinox, comets Tempel and Kopff will be at perihelion, on the 14th we will have the γ-Normida meteor shower and at the end of the month, several conjunctions and close approaches, including a triple approach between the Moon, Venus and Saturn.
Various galaxies and other objects will be visible throughout the month, including The Sombrero Galaxy, The Jewel Box, The Hamburger Galaxy, The Whirlpool Galaxy and The Pinwheel Galaxies. And on the last day of the month there will be a partial solar eclipse visible from parts of South America and Antarctica.
There will be meteor showers at the beginning of the month. On May 15 we will have a total lunar eclipse visible from Africa, America, Europe and French Polynesia. And at the end of the month a lunar occultation of Venus, as well as several conjunctions.
The June solstice marks the beginning of the summer for the northern hemisphere and the winter for the southern hemisphere. Saturn and Jupiter will enter retrograde motion. Several Messier objects will be well placed to observe, including the Hercules cluster, the Ptolemy cluster and the Butterfly cluster.
This month we will have a supermoon. In the middle of the month there will be lunar occultations (Mars and Uranus) and various conjunctions. And finally three meteor showers will peak in the last days of the month.
The Perseid meteor shower, one of the densest of the year, will peak on August 13. In the beginning of the month Comet PANSTARRS will reach its brightest; and towards the end, Asteroid Vesta will be in opposition and Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann will be in perihelion
There will be some meteor showers this month. Neptune and Jupiter will reach opposition. And like every year in September we will have the equinox.
There will be 7 meteor showers throughout the month. The Sculptor, Triangulum and Andromeda galaxies will be in a good position. And on October 25, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in parts of Europe, Asia, Greenland and Africa.
This month several asteroids will be in opposition, making it easy to observe them. Jupiter ends its retrograde motion. Comets Shoemaker-Levy and NEOWISE will be at perihelion. And on November 8 there will be a lunar eclipse visible from Oceania, America and Asia.
Nine meteor showers peak this month, including the second densest of the year, the Geminid on December 14. There will be a lunar occultation of Mars visible from parts of North America, Western Europe, North Africa, and Asia. And the December solstice will take place.